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Fascicules de l'Art Brut
The official publication of the Collection de l'Art Brut, Lausanne, originally designed and produced by Jean Dubuffet in 1964. Printed in French, each Fascicule is a monograph that focuses on one or more creator. They also contain information on environments, exhibitions and publications.
Folk Art Messenger
Join the Folk Art Society of America and receive this tri-annual magazine as a member benefit, with articles, news of their events and exhibitions, opinion pieces, exhibitions, reviews and more.
The Outsider
Annual magazine from Intuit organisation and museum, with intuitive and outsider art news, reviews, articles and event information. The digital version is available to read online, for free.
Books, Journals, Articles & Catalogues:
Adler, Peter & Barnard, Nicholas: ASAFO, African Flags of the Fante, Thames & Hudson, New York, 1992.
Adolf Wölfli, Adolf Wölfli Foundation, Museum of Fine Arts, Berne, 1976. (exh. cat.)
Africa Now, Jean Pigozzi Collection. (exh. cat.)
Altman, Frederic: Ciska, L'imprimerie Toscane, Nice, 1993.
Another Face of the Diamond: Pathways Through the Black Atlantic South, Intar Latin American Gallery, 1988. (exh. cat.)
Art & Text, no.27, Alen S. Weiss (ed.), Australia, 1988.
Art Papers, no.5, Volume 18, Glen Harper (ed.).
Arts Council of Great Britain: Outsiders, Arts Council at the Hayward Gallery, London, 1979. (exh. cat.)
Arz, Claude: Guide de la France Insolite, Hachette, 1990.
Arz, Claude: La France Insolite, Hachette, 1995.
Aulakh, M.S.: The Rock Garden, Tagore Publishers, 1986.
Baking in the Sun: Visionary Images from the South, University Art Museum, University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, 1987. (exh. cat.)
Baraka, Amiri & McEvilly, Thomas: Thornton Dial: Image of the Tiger, Harry N Abrams, Inc, New York, 1993.
Barbican Art Gallery: Aftermath, France 1945-54 New Images of Man. (exh. cat.)
Les Barbus Muller, Gallimard, Fasicule I. (exh. cat.)
Beardsley, John: Gardens of Revelation, Abbeville Press, New York, 1994.
Bianchi, Paulo (ed.): Kunstforum 101 - Bild und Seele, Kunstforum 112 - Outside USA I; Kunstforum 113 - Outside USA II; Kunstforum 118 - Weltkunst-Globalkultur; Kunstforum 122 - Africa.
Bihalji-Merin, Oto: Modern Primitives, Gallery Books, New York, 1971.
Bihalji-Merin, Oto & Nebojsa-Bato, Tomasevic: World Encyclopedia of Naive Art, Frederick Muller, London, 1984.
Black Folk Art in America 1930–1980, Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, 1982. (exh. cat.)
Black History/Black Vision, The Visionary Image in Texas, University of Texas Press, 1989. (exh. cat.)
Blanc, Jean-Charles: Afghan Trucks, Mathews Miller Dunbar, 1976.
Blasdel, Gregg: "The Grass Roots Artist”, Art In America #56, Sept/Oct 1968
Blasdel, Gregg and William C Lipke: Clarence Schmidt, Fleming Museum, Unv of Vermont, Burlington.
Borg, Jorgen & Cronhammar, Ingvar: Gars du Nord, Maison du Danemark, 1988.
Bourdon , Harry David & Cage Matthews, John: Fantastic Vision: Works by Niki de Saint Phalle, Nassau County Museum of Fine Art, New York, 1987. (exh. cat.)
Brears, Peter: North Country Folk Art, John Donald Publishers Ltd, Edinburgh, 1989.
Brett, Guy: Through Our Own Eyes, GMP Publishers Ltd, London, 1986.
Brousse, R., Freytet, A., Lagrange J., Meunier, J., Montpied, B., Nicoux, R., Trapon, P., & Urien, P.: Masgot, L'Œuvre Enigmatique de François Michaud, Lucien Souny, 1993.
Cardinal, Roger: Outsider Art, Studio Vista, London & Praeger, NY, 1989.
Carmichael, Elizabeth & Sayer, Chloe: The Skeleton at The Feast, British Museum Press, London, 1991.
Catalogue des traveaux de Jean Dubuffet: Habitats, Closerie Falballa, Salon d’été, Paris, 1981.
Chazaud, Pierre: From the Facteur Cheval to Modern Art, éditions du Mandala, 1991
Cherot, Bernard & Chichorr, Mario & Munch Rene & Marcel Luis: Chichorro, Editions de 4 Coins, Loire, 1994.
Chichorro oder Art Brut, Museum Haus Cajeth, Heidelberg, 1987. (exh. cat.)
Chomo Collectif: Chomo, numéro spécial du Bulletin de la Société littéraire des P.T.T., 1991.
Christy, Jim: Strange Sites, Harbour Publishing, Canada, 1996.
Clarke, Ethne & Wright, George: English Topiary Gardens, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 1988.
Collection D'Oeuvres Apparentees a L'Art Brut: Neuve Invention, Publications de la Collection de L'Art Brut, Lausanne, 1988.
Collins, George, Joost Elffers and Michael Schuyt: Fantastic Architecture, New York 1980. French version: Les Bâttiseurs de Rêve, Hachette, Paris, 1980.
Contemporary American Folk Art: The Balsley Collection, Patrick & Beatrice Haggerty Museum of Art, Marquette University, Milwaukee, 1992. (exh. cat.)
Cooper, Emmanuel: People's Art, Mainstream Publishing, Edinburgh, 1994.Danchin, Laurent: Chomo, Simeon, 1978.
Danchin, Laurent: Le Manège de Petit Pierre, Dicy, France,1995.
Danchin, Laurent: Jean Dubuffet, Paris, France,1988.
David, Francis: Guide de L'Art Insolite.
Delacampagne, Christian: Outsiders, Editions Menges, 1989.
Dinsmoor, SP: Pictorial History of The Cabin Home in Garden of Eden, Lucas, KS, n.d.
Dream Singers, Story Tellers: An African-American Presence, New Jersey State Museum. (exh. cat.)
Driven To Create: The Anthony Petullo Collection of Self-Taught & Outsider Art, Milwaukee Art Museum, 1993. (exh. cat.)
Dubuffet, Jean: Prospectus et tous écrits suivants, Paris, 1967.
Dubuffet, Jean: Asphyxiating Culture and Other Writings, English translation: Carol Volk, New York, 1988 (original version: Paris, 1968).
Ehrmann, Gilles: Les Inspirés et Leurs Demeures, Paris, 1961.
Environments and Happenings, Thames and Hudson, London, 1974. (exh. cat.)
Cubbs, Joanne: Eugene von Bruenchenhein: Obsessive Visionary, John Michael Kohler Arts Centre, Wisconsin, 1988. (exh. cat.)
La Fabuloserie: Art Hors-les-Normes (French text by Michel Ragon). (exh. cat.)
Fenoli, Marc: Le Palais Idéal du Facteur Cheval, éditions Glénat, 1991.
Finster, Howard: Howard Finster Man of Visions, Peachtree Publishers Ltd, Atlanta GA, 1989.
Foubert, Alain: Forgerons Du Vodou, Cidihca-Deschamps, 1990.
Garcet, Robert: Eben-Ezer en Er Was Eens, Drukkerij Rosbeek bv. Nuth, Holland, 1997.
Gaston Chaissac: First London Exhibition, Fischer Fine Art Ltd, London, 1986. (exh. cat.)
Gibbs, Jocelyn: Visions of Home: Preserving America’s Folk Art Environments in Whole Earth Review, No.52, 1986.
Goldstone, Bud, and Arloa Paquin Goldstone: The Los Angeles Watts Towers, T & H, London & JP Getty Foundation, California, 1997.
Grano, Veli: Onnela, Markprint Lahti, 1989.
Grassroots Art in Twelve New Jersey Communities, Kansas Grassroots Art Assoc, Lawrence, 1989.
Green, Cadida Lycett & Lawson, Andrew: Brilliant Gardens, Chatto & Windus, 1989.
Hall, Michael D & Metcalf, Eugene W. Jr.: The Artist Outsider, Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, 1994.
Hatje, Gerd: Adolf Wolfli, Adolf-Wolfli-Stiftung, Bern, 1987.
The Heart of Creation: The Art of Martin Ramirez, Goldi Paley Gallery, Moore College of Art, Philadelphia, 1985. (exh. cat.)
Hemphill, Herbert W Jr & Weissman, Julia: Twentieth Century Folk Art and Artists, Dutton and Co Inc, New York, 1974.
Horizon: Home Is What You Make It, 1964.
De L'Imaginaire, au Petit Musee du Bizarre, Editions de Candide, Lavilledieu, 1993. (exh. cat.)
In Another World: Outside Art from Europe and America, The South Bank Centre, 1987. (exh. cat.)
Ingolfsson, Adalsteinn: Naive and Fantastic Art in Iceland, Iceland Review, 1989.
Jadi, Ferenc: Hans Prinzhorn, Prinzhorn-Sammlung, 1986.
Jadi, Inge & Ferenc: Muzika, Wunderhorn, Heidelberg, 1989.
Jadi, Inge & Ferenc: Texte aus Prinzhorn-Sammlung, Wunderhorn, Heidelberg, 1985.
Jakovsky, Anatole: Demonen und Wunder, Verlag M. DuMont Schauberg,Cologne, 1963.
The Jean Pigozzi Contemporary African Art Collection at the Saatchi Collection, Saatchi Collection, London, 1993. (exh. cat.)
Jones, Barbara: Follies & Grottoes, Constable, London, 1974.
Kastener, Jeffrey, ed: Public Art Review, Environments by Self-Taught Artists Issue 7, Volume 4, Milwaukee, 19--
Kentucky Spirit, The Naive Tradition, Owensboro Museum of Fine Art, Kentucky, 1991. (exh. cat.)
Kemp, Kathy & Boyer, Keith: Revelations, Crane Hill, Alabama, 1994.
Kinley, Monica: Outsider Art: From the Outsider Archive, London. Art Random, Kyoto Shoin, 1989. (exh. cat.)
Kirby, Doug & Smith, Ken & Wilkins, Mike: The New Roadside America, Simon & Schuster, 1986.
Kjellgren,Thomas: Sarlingar - Art Brut - Outsider Art, Malmo Konsthall, Sweden, 1991. (exh. cat.)
Kloos, Marten: Le Paradis terrestre de Picassiette, Editions Encre, Paris, 1979.
Koller, Karl Heinz: Hundertwasserhaus, Georg Prachner Verlag, Vienna, Austria, 1994.
Kunstler aus Gugging: Zur Art Brut der Gegenwart, Universitat Oldenburg, 1989. (ex. cat)
Lacarrière, J & Jaques Verroust: Les Inspirés du Bord des Routes, Paris 1978.
L'Aracine, Musee d'Art Brut. (ex. cat)
Lambton, Lucinda: An Album of Curious Houses, Chatto & Windus, London, 1988.
Lanoux, Jean-Louis: Chomo L'Ete Chomo L'Hiver, Fondation Chomo, 1987.
LaRoche, Louanne: Sam Doyle, Kyoto Shoin, 1989.
Lassus, Bernard: Jardins Imaginaires: Les habitants-paysagistes, Paris, 1977.
Gérard Lattier: Carre d'Art, Galerie des Arènes, Ville de Nîmes, 2001. (exh. cat.)
Les Singuliers de l'Art, Musee D'Art Moderne, Paris, 1978. (exh. cat.)
Levinson, Orde: The African Dream, Thames and Hudson, London, 1992.
Lewery, A.J.: Popular Art Past and Present, David & Charles, 1991.
Lipke, William C and Blasdel, Gregg. Clarence Schmidt, The Robert Hull Fleming Museum, University of Vermont, 1975. (exh. cat.)
The Life of the Dead in Mexican Folk Art, The Fort Worth Art Museum, Texas, 1987. (exh. cat.)
Lost Magic Kingdom: Eduardo Paolozzi, British Museum Publications, London, 1985. (exh. cat.)
MacGregor, John: The Discovery of the Art of the Insane, Princeton University Press, 1989.
MacGregor, John: Dwight Mackintosh: The Boy Who Time Forgot, Creative Growth Art Center, Oakland, California, 1991.
Made in USA, Collection de L'Art Brut, Lausanne, 1993. (exh. cat.)
Magiciens de la Terre, Editions du Centre Pompidou, Paris, 1989. (exh. cat.)
Magiciens de la Terre, Martin, Jean-Hubert et al, Les Cahiers du Musée National D'Art Moderne, Editions du Centre Pompidou, Paris, 1989. (exh. cat.)
Maizels, John & von Schaewen, Deidi: Fantasy Worlds, Taschen, 2000.
Maizels, John: Raw Creation: Outsider Art and Beyond, Phaidon Press, London, 1996.
Manley, Roger: Signs and Wonders: Outsider Art Inside North Carolina, North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh NC, 1989. (exh. cat.)
Manley, Roger & Sloan, Mark: Self-Made Worlds, Visionary Folk Art Environments, Aperture, New York NY, 1997.
Maresca, Frank & Ricco, Roger: American Self-Taught, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1993.
Maresca, Frank & Ricco, Robert: Bill Traylor: his art, his life, Alfred A Knopf, New York, 1991.
Melly, George: It's All Writ Out For You, the life & Work of Scottie Wilson, Thames & Hudson, 1986.
Messer, Thomas M. & Licht, Fred: Jean Dubuffet & Art Brut, Peggy Guggenheim Collection, 1986.
Metcalf, Hall, Eds: The Artist Outsider: Creativity and the Boundaries of Culture, Smithsonian Institution Press, 1994.
Metz, Holly: Two Arks, A Palace, Some Robots & Mr Freedom’s Fabulous Fifty Acres, Newark, NJ, 1989.
Mignon, André, et al.: Africa Now, Groniger Museum, Netherlands, 1991. (exh. cat.)
Mihailsescu, Anca & Pestarque, Gerard: Sapinta, The Merry Cemetery, Editions Hesse, 1991.
Minneapolis Walker Art Gallery: Naives and Visionaries, Walker Art Center: EP Dutton, New York NY, 1974. (exh. cat.)
Minnie Evans, Wellington B Gray Gallery, East Carolina University. (exh. cat.)
Mookerjee, Priya: Pathway Icons, The Wayside Art of India, Thames & Hudson, 1987.
Morganthaler, Walter: Madness & Art: The Life and Works of Adolf Wölfli, translation by Aaron H. Esman, University of Nebraska Press, 1992. (English translation of Ein Geisteskranken als Kunstler: Adolf Wölfli, 1921).
Mutoo, Henry D, & Craig, Karl 'Jerry': My Markings: The Art of Gladwyn K Bush, Cayman National Cultural Foundation, 1994.
Navratil, Leo: August Walla, Greno Verlag, Nördlingen, 1988.
Navratil, Leo: Bilder Nach Bildern, Residenz Verlag, Salzburg, 1993.
Notter, Annick & Deroeux, Didier: Augustin Lesage 1876–1954, SERS, Paris, 1988.
Oakes, John G. H.: In the Realms of the Unreal: Four Walls Eight Windows, New York NY, 1991.
L'Oeuf Sauvage, No. 3, 1992: Picassiette; No. 9, 1994: Ferdinand Cheval.
Owen, Jane: Eccentric Gardens, Pavilion, London, 1990.
Patterson, Tom: Howard Finster: Stranger from Another World, Man of Visions now on this Earth, Abbeville Press, NY, 1989.
Patterson, Tom: Reclamation and Transformation: Three Self-Taught Chicago Artists, Terra Museum of American Art, Chicago IL, 1994. (exh. cat.)
Patterson, Tom: St. Eom in the Land of Pasaquan, The Jargon Society, Asheville NC, 1987.
Patterson, Tom & Ingram, Lynne: Not By Luck, Self-Taught Artists in the American South, Southern Folk Art, New Milford NJ, 1993. (exh. cat.)
Peacock, Robert, & Jenkins, Annibel: Paradise Garden, Chronicle Books, San Francisco CA, 1996.
Plein Chant, No. 48, France.
Porret-Forel, Jacqueline: Aloïse, Editions d'Art Albert Skira, Geneve, 1993.
Prevost, Claude and Clovis: Les Batisseurs de L'Imaginaire, Editions de l'Est, 1990.
Prévost, Claude, Prévost, Clovis & Jouve, Jean-Pierre: Le Palias Idéal de Facteur Cheval, 1st edition: Paris, 1981; revised: Hédouville, 1994.
Prinzhorn, Hans: Artistry of the Mentally Ill, Springer-Verlag, New York NY, 1971; reprinted 1995.
Public Art Review, No. 7, Vol. 4, Kastner, Jeffrey (ed.).
Purser, Philip: Where Is He Now? The Extraordinary World of Edward James, Quartet Books, London, 1978.
Ragon, Michel: La Fabuloserie: Art Hors-les-Norms, Imprimerie, Paris, 1983.
Rasmusen, Henry & Grant, Art: Sculpture from Junk, Reinhold Book Corp., New York NY, 1967.
Réja, Marcel: L'Art Chez les Fous: Le dessin, la prose, la poésie, L'Harmattan, Paris, 1999.
Rodman, Selden: Where Art is Joy, Ruggles de Latour, New York NY, 1988.
Rodman, Selden & Cleaver, Carole: Spirits of the Night, The Vaudun Gods of Haiti, Spring Publications Inc., Dallas TX, 1992.
Rosen, Seymour: In Celebration of Ourselves, California Living Books/San Francisco Museum of Art, San Francisco CA, 1979.
Rosen, Seymour & Paul LaPorte: Simon Rodia’s Towers in Watts, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles CA, 1962.
Rosenak, Chuck & Jan: Encyclopedia of Twentieth-Century American Folk Art and Artists, Abbeville Press, New York NY, 1990.
Rufus, Anneli S. & Lawson, Kristan: Europe Off The Wall, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York NY, 1988.
Ryczko, Joe: Les Excentriques du Pays aux Boi, Plein Chant, No. 48, Plein Chant, Paris, France, 1991.
Scalora, Sal: "Royal Robertson", in Art Papers, No. 5, Vol. 8, Sep/Oct 1994.
Schmied, Wieland: Hundertwasser Architecture, Taschen, Cologne, 1997.
Schubert, Marcus: Outsider Art II Visionary Environments, Art Random, Kyoto Shoin, Japan, 1991.
Sellen, Betty-Carol: 20th Century American Folk, Self Taught and Outsider Art, Neal-Schuman Publishers Inc., New York NY, 1993.
Sharpe, Mal, Sharpe, Sandra & Vertikoff, Alexander: Weird Rooms, Pomegranate Artbooks, Petaluna CA, 1996.
Les Singuliers de l'Art, Musee D'Art Moderne, Paris, 1978.
Site de la Creation Franche. Ville de Begles, 1994. (exh. cat.)
Spot: Folk Art Environments, Summer 1991, Houston Center of Photography.
Schaufelberger-Breguet, Simone & Peter E, & John, Joseph: Stiftung fur Schweizerische Naive Kunst und Art Brut, St Gallische Kantonalbank, Gallen, Switzerland, 1988. (exh. cat.)
Stone, Lisa & Zanzi, Jim: Sacred Spaces and Other Places, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago Press, Chicago IL, 1993.
Smith, Charles: See Kargl, David, Mankoff, Debra N & Skwerski, Thomas: Straight At the Heart: Charles Smith’s African/American Heritage Museum, Museum of Art, Beloit College, Beloit WI, 1995.
Smith, Fred: See Stone, Lisa & Zanzi, Jim: The Art of Fred Smith, Weber & Sons Inc, Philips WI, 1991.
Sutton, Peter (ed.): Dreamings: The Art of Aboriginal Australia, Viking, Victoria, Australia, 1989.
Tatin, Robert: Étrange Musée – Robert Tatin: Étrange questions, Librairie Charpentier, Paris, France, 1977.
Thévoz, Michel: Art Brut, Skira, Geneva, 1975 (English version: London and New York, 1976 reprinted 1995).
Thiébaut, Olivier: Bonjour aux promeneurs! Sur les chemins de l'art brut, Éditions Alternatives, Paris, France, 1996.
Thompson, Robert Farris: Flash of the Spirit: African and Afro-American Art and Philosophy, Vintage Books, New York NY, 1984,
Tillman, Terry: The Writings on the Wall: Peace at the Berlin Wall, 22/7 Publishing Company, Santa Monica CA, 1990.
Tuchman, Maurice & Eliel, Carol S: Parallel Visions, Modern Artists and Outsider Art, Princeton University Press, 1992. (exh. cat.)
Turner, John F.: Howard Finster: Man of Visions, Knopf, New York NY, 1989.
Vogel, Susan & Ebong, Ima: Africa Explores: 20th Century African Art, Center for African Art, New York NY/Prestal Verlag, Munich, Germany, 1991. (exh. cat.)
Waldenburg, Hermann: The Berlin Wall, Abbeville Press Inc., New York NY, 1990.
Wampler, Jan: All Their Own: People and the Places They Build, Schenkman Publishing Company, Cambridge MA. 1977.
Weiss, Allen S: Shattered Forms: Art Brut, Phantasm, Modernism, State University of New York Press, New York NY, 1992.
Williams, Sheldon: Voodoo and the Art of Haiti, Morland Lee Ltd, Nottingham UK, 1969.
Williamson, Sue: Resistance Art in South Africa, David Philip (Pty) Ltd, Claremont, South Africa, 1989.
Wölfli, Adolf, Longhauser, Elsa & Spoerri, Elka: The Other Side of the Moon: The World of Adolf Wölfli, Goldie Paley Gallery, Moore College of Art, Philadelphia PA, 1988. (exh. cat.)
Wölfli, Adolf; Spoerri, Elka: Wölfli: Dessinateur-Compositeur, L'Age D'Homme, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1991. (exh. cat.)
Yelen, Alice Rae: Passionate Visions of the American South, Self Taught Artists from 1940 to the Present, New Orleans Museum of Art, New Orleans LA, 1993. (exh. cat.)
Younge, Gavin: Art of the South African Townships, Thames and Hudson, London, 1988.