UA LITTLE ROCK: A Visionary Vernacular Road Trip

UA LITTLE ROCK: A Visionary Vernacular Road Trip


ArtWorks Zoom Presentations: 

A Visionary Vernacular Road Trip

Brad Cushman, 6 PM (CT) Friday Oct. 8, 2021


A Visionary Vernacular Road Trip highlights folk art, self-taught art, and outsider art in three exhibits at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. 

There will be a reception from 5:30 – 7:30 PM, Friday October 15, 2021.


In the Cool of the Evening, Edgar Tolson (c. 1972–1973), carved wood, paint, 1.5 x 24 x 17 in., James McRitchie Collection

A Visionary Vernacular Road Trip, Butch Anthony, and The Road Trip Continues curated by Brad Cushman, illustrate the story of unique creative people from across the United States. 


Preacher and Church, Ezekiel Gibbs (1984), watercolor, crayon, and graphite, 18 x 24 in., Julie and Bruce Webb Collection 

This survey features over eighty works of non-conventional artwork created from the1880s to the present, a collection of visionary makers of pictures and sculptural objects inspired by a divine spirit. 


Billiard Parlor, Ladis Sabo (1945), oil on canvas, 30 x 26 in., John Jerit Collection

Their voices engage in spiritual storytelling, philosophical, political, and pop culture commentary. Functioning outside the social norms these artists have important messages to communicate.  


Whore of Babylon, Bessie Harvey (c. 1970s–1980s), root sculpture with mixed media, 45 x 34. x 17 in., Bobby and Brad Cushman Collection 

For more information, visit

Little Rock, AR 72204
(501) 916-3182

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