Read extracts from Raw Vision magazine:

Magazine features

Bruce Bickford - RAW VISION

Bruce Bickford

Clay models and animations that reveal a wild imagination

Bruce Bickford

Clay models and animations that reveal a wild imagination

Wesley Willis - RAW VISION

Wesley Willis

A whirlwind maker of detailed cityscapes and irreverent music

Wesley Willis

A whirlwind maker of detailed cityscapes and irreverent music

Salvation Mountain - RAW VISION

Salvation Mountain

Love and toil have preserved this Californian beacon of hope

Salvation Mountain

Love and toil have preserved this Californian beacon of hope

Robert E Smith - RAW VISION

Robert E Smith

An artist and his uplifting work embraced by an Ozark town

Robert E Smith

An artist and his uplifting work embraced by an Ozark town


Hugo Rocha: ¡VIVA EL COLOR!

A bold, graphic creator emerges from an art programme in LA

Hugo Rocha: ¡VIVA EL COLOR!

A bold, graphic creator emerges from an art programme in LA

Joe Coleman's Swift Runner - RAW VISION

Joe Coleman's Swift Runner

This artist’s take on the gruesome tale of one native American

Joe Coleman's Swift Runner

This artist’s take on the gruesome tale of one native American