Read extracts from Raw Vision magazine:

Magazine features

Galerie Gugging - RAW VISION

Galerie Gugging

Nina Katschnig celebrates twenty years of Galerie Gugging

Galerie Gugging

Nina Katschnig celebrates twenty years of Galerie Gugging

Master Works of Art Brut - RAW VISION

Master Works of Art Brut

Five expert critics look at work from some of the greats

Master Works of Art Brut

Five expert critics look at work from some of the greats

The Gugging Method: Johann Hauser and Leo Navratil - RAW VISION

The Gugging Method: Johann Hauser and Leo Navratil

The classic star of Gugging’s Haus der Kunstler

The Gugging Method: Johann Hauser and Leo Navratil

The classic star of Gugging’s Haus der Kunstler

In Memoriam: Johann Hauser (1926–1996) - RAW VISION

In Memoriam: Johann Hauser (1926–1996)

A looks at the life of the artist and his work

In Memoriam: Johann Hauser (1926–1996)

A looks at the life of the artist and his work