First published: Fall 2004
In October of 2004, The Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco will present an exhibition of photography and photography-based collage. The work, some of which is being shown for the first time, was created by seventeen artists, many who have been recognised as Outsider artists for their work in other mediums, such as sculpture and painting. The exhibition, Create And Be Recognized, Photography On The Edge is accompanied by a Chronicle book publication of the same name.

Though works by folk artists and trained artists have been examined for similarities (in the book Provocative Parallels by Jean Lipman) and the same for Outsiders and Visionaries in the Los Angeles County Museum’s Parallel Visions exhibit, only one exhibit has paired photography by Outsiders (Lee Godie, Morton Bartlett and Eugene Von Bruenchenhein) with established photographers like Cindy Sherman, Harry Callahan and Hans Bellmer. The exhibit, titled Identify and Desire, was curated by David Syrek and Jessica Moss and shown at Intuit in Chicago, Illinois.
This is an article extract; read the full article in Raw Vision #48