Finnish DIY Art - RAW VISION

Finnish DIY Art

First published: Spring 2004

Elis Sinistö, a fragile 92-year old man, is swaying in his swing made from pieces of rope, wood and used tyres. He entertains his visitors by dancing on the stone-paved dance floor of Villa Mehu (Villa Juice), inviting them to join in.


On the other side of Finland, Imppu Salminen collects mobile phones, coins, old irons, radios, and whatever else he happens to fancy. Collages and drawings made in his distinctive ‘tick-tack’ style fill his tiny cottage.



Imppu’s UFO mobile even has a direct connection to the president of the United States. But today the line is busy. He will try again tomorrow.


This is an article extract; read the full article in Raw Vision #46

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